The Mysterious God Poem by Boston Kelley

The Mysterious God

Great are Your mysteries, O Lord,
that they leave this mind puzzled.
The depths of Your understanding know
no bounds for an infinite mind reaches
limitless ends.
Magnificent are You that even the wisest
mind does not come close to You;
I hunger for Your everlasting knowledge
for You have awakened me.
The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, are
three in one; wonderful is it the communion
they share!
Your ways are above our ways as Your thoughts
are above our thoughts.
Who could understand the mind of God and see
the workings of His hands?
Each moment does He reside in for Time is
an unknown to Him; His presence is inescapable,
an ever-present refuge to the brokenhearted.
Above the heavens He sits for the earth would
crumble in His wake.
His face I could not gaze on for who could see
the Lord and retain his life?
This eye of mine was once blind but now is able
to see.
A thick fog did that eye find himself enshrouded
in that has been carried off.
The light of Your truth enlightens this ignorant
creature and he is full of passion for You.
He seeks more and more of Your mysteries
ever hungry to possess Your understanding.

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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