The Light Within You. Poem by Sandra Kavanagh Josefsson

The Light Within You.

Rating: 5.0

The light within you shines so bright,
but you don't realise.
The effect you have on everyone,
if you knew would be a surprise.

You lift all around you
with your smile.
Your shining glowing face.
If you were ever down or sad
there was never any trace.

For you love life so
and it does show,
in everything you do.
For your heart is kind
your love is divine.
Everyone is drawn to you.

The light within you shines so bright,
but you don't realise.
The effect you have on everyone,
if you knew would be a surprise.

Verse: Sandra Kavanagh (c) .

Uche Nwanze 25 August 2019

The light within you shines so bright that it drives away every darkness of pain and despair. Lovely poem well crafted. Thanks for sharing

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Uche Nwanze 25 August 2019

The light within you shines so bright that at it drives away the darkness of pain and despair. Lovely poem well crafted. Thanks for sharing dear poet.

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Uche Nwanze 25 August 2019

The light within you shines so bright, that light drives away every darkness of pain and despair. Lovely poem dear poet. Thanks for sharing

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