The Kindess Of Strangers Is Not What I Want Anymore. I Have Him. Poem by Leah Ayliffe

The Kindess Of Strangers Is Not What I Want Anymore. I Have Him.

I pretend to be in love
with the anonymity of a strangers touch,
not to get burned by love.
It's just that I care too much.
Then you came around and changed everything in me
that I thought I had turned into concrete.
The happiness when you work on my heart strings
tends to be everything that I could want.
With plans of tomorrow into the future;
a style of freedom lingering on each idea.
Never has anyone shown me a way a life
that reflected my own cravings of how to spend time.
For the first time I am thrilled to be alive for the days to come.
Thrilled by the fire in his thoughts and electricity in his hands,
dying of relief as he pulls me into this dance.
We can dance around the world like the dreams I used to breathe into poetry
A fiction made into reality.
Like children at a park, swinging to the edges of land and ocean
climbing to the sky and sliding to the strangest places on the earth.
Los aventureros.
Los soñadores.

I think he know's how beautiful his mind is
with a face that shines brighter than the sun
and a body so perfectly tanned and strong
a place that has become a safe haven to me.
I will never forget a man so real and divine,
He won't be forgotten in the sunset because he will be there with the sunrise
and all through the night in the moon.
I don't even know what I am saying
but I want there to be no limit to the time spent living inside of this parallel universe of happiness I've found myself in.

He knows I'm scared that he will find someone new and I'll fade into the past
but he changes my mind when he tells me all the things I am and all the things I can be.
I get burned out and exhausted by the potential that dies when I can't transform the words and ideas into the physical world.
He makes me different.
He listens.
He helps bridge the gap of what's inside and out,
brings it to the surface like I can taste all my fantasies,

he sets them on fire
and suddenly I know I am free.

I do get scared, like when anything is too good.
the fear of good things and knowing happiness is fleeting.
I'm too deep in it now,
As always, as always, as always,
I just have to sit back, enjoy, and let my special miracle unfold naturally.
To quiet my mind, calm its restlessness,
to simply
let is be, let myself finally be happy.

Monday, June 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,friendship,happiness
Kelly Kurt 06 June 2016

Overthinking some things is a b@*ch sometimes. Confidence in yourself and go with the flow. Who knows, happiness might be there. Well penned, Leah

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Soul Watcher 06 June 2016

Well written, thanks for sharing Leah

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