The Kentucky Hangnail Poem by Randy McClave

The Kentucky Hangnail

Around my neck or upon my wall it will hang
Knowing I then will be sheltered as the angels had sang
I will be protected from evil and all that is un-good
As promised by our savior, when crucified on the dogwood.

Upon my wall hangs the Kentucky hangnail
It will capture all negativity and evil and will resend it to hell
The noose of thirteen will strangle out the path of any and all its evil
It will then destroy and quieten, and then resolve all upheaval.

Evil and sadness and sin they are man's own enemy
I do not want that wickedness or corruption ever in my company
Truth and caring and love, they are my friend,
So, for protection from all that is bad, it will send.

The Kentucky hangnail will hang upon my neck or upon my wall
Unto temptation from the devil or evil I will never fall
The hangnail will attract and absorb all evil and any devilish sin
Then I will be protected from what attacks the soul from within.

Randy L. McClave

The Kentucky Hangnail
I wrote this poem from a story that was told to me by my grandparents as was told unto them by their grandparents. The most protective force that a person could ever wear upon their neck or hang upon the wall of their home, it is the Kentucky Hangnail.
There are just two pieces to the Kentucky Hangnail, and when those two pieces are joined together, they attract and collect and then remove the bad and negative and sometimes evil energy and forces that we come in contact daily. Whether it be evil or sadness or a form of depression that surrounds us which sometimes controls and binds us. The Kentucky Hangnail will capture it, and then it will dispose of it.

1) The nail that is used to attract the forces of negativity/ evil is made of iron, iron from the belly of the earth. The iron that was used to create the nail which is a sealant, it is the force that drives downwards and adheres to whatever substances that it comes in contact with. The tip of the nail is where the absorbed energy has been collected and then that force is driven downward and trapped away into the belly of the earth.
2) The noose - aka the hangman's noose is used at the head of the nail, it is used to stop and strangle out any and all of the negative energy that the nail has collected. The noose is of 13 wraps/loops as though pertaining to the 13 steps of the gallows where life ends, each wrap is always stronger than the next.

According to my grandparents they used the Kentucky Hangnail in their home and also in their barn, and sometimes they even carried it in their pocket or wore it around their neck. Who told their grandparents about it, I don't know, it might had been their own design and concept and belief, or maybe it was by higher powers.

• Nailing an iron horseshoe to a door was said to repel evil spirits or later, to bring good luck. (maybe that's the idea or the belief of the iron nail, easier to carry around) .
• Surrounding a cemetery with an iron fence was thought to contain the souls of the dead.
• Burying an iron knife under the entrance to one's home was alleged to keep witches from entering.

This has been the short and narrative story of (our) Kentucky Hangnail, and also that of my family and their families belief in it, and also its use to protect and keep evil away from them and their loved ones.

Randy L. McClave
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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