The House That Burnt Down Poem by Paula Glynn

The House That Burnt Down

There was a house years ago
That tragically burnt down
Perhaps due to faulty electrics
Or to an overused boiler
Or to an oven that wasn't turned off
Or even a heater that had been left running

Whatever the reason
The beautiful house burnt down
It had had the most gorgeous flower wallpaper
The most wonderful wooden floors
Covered in rugs and a beanbag
There had also been a troublemaker within its walls

It started out as small flames
Like burning matches to the stump
Setting fire to treasured letters and cards
Setting fires was the name of the game
Soon the shed would be set fire to
That old shed full of granddad's mini treasures

But the fatal match was lit
And the old decrepit shed
Was soon to be like granddad: dead
The troublemaker watching the flames
Lick at the rickety wooden shed
Glad annoying granddad was dead

Granddad hadn't been the nicest man
But he taught his troublemaker all he could
But arson was never the granddad's plan
Because the troublemaker would pour that petrol
Pour that deadly and poisonous petrol can
And watch the heat and flames consume the building

Setting fires was an addiction: an excitement
Until the day the troublemaker got caught in his own web:
He was the one to burn in the fire instead
Having poured the petrol in someone's happy homestead
Not caring if anyone - or even any pets - were dead
But it turned out the victim would be himself instead

Soon leaving his young body
The soul of the firestarter entered heaven
Or at least the trick that he was in heaven
But he spent five days in the beautiful house:
It has the most gorgeous flower wallpaper
The most wonderful wooden floors…

Then he smelt the smoke:
The room was on fire!
He felt the heat and smoke consume his lungs
He felt the flames burn his organic skin
He felt himself melt 1000 degrees within
Where the devil tricked the firestarter and did win.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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