The Fairy Circle Poem by Jim Yerman

The Fairy Circle

Rating: 5.0

"What is that Mommy? " the young girl asked pointing and stopping to stare…
"That's a Fairy Circle." Mom whispered. "The fairies live under there."

"It occurs when a shooting star streaks in front of the the moon after an evening storm.
It's the only time this doorway between our two worlds is formed."

"Most of the time fairies live underground…
but when the circle is created they seize their chance.
to enter into our world and around this circle…they dance."

"Legend has it fairies love to dance…love to feel the beat
and when they tire from all that dancing they use the mushrooms as their seats."

"If you're lucky enough to see them dance, " mom continued…
then you will be forever blessed
with a life of good health and joy…of contentment and happiness."

"Do you think we can see the fairies dance? " the young girl asked as she touched a mushroom stem.
"I'm not sure, " mom smiled…"for that is entirely up to them."

"We'll come back tonight while the moon is still full but let me warn you before we begin
we can't see the fairies dancing…unless they invite us in."

That night they walked together hand in hand
behind a tree they hid….
and around the circle of mushrooms…
that's just what the fairies did?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy,fantasy

What a delightful and lovely poem.So appropriate for this day..I gave you a ten..

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