The Crash Is Still To Come! Poem by Ripuree Rip

The Crash Is Still To Come!

The economy is speeding; its running and dividing
Towards an explosive correction crash
Politricks is controlling and depleting employees
For those at the top to gain big from underpaid workers
Who're expected to over-consume and keep economies afloat.

Employees spend more time at work for less benefits
Costing them more if they're still raising children
While labor laws are often repealed or weakened
And employers caring only about stockholders and heirs

Campaigners all promise to fix the problem
Claiming they're on the side of the average worker
Who can't afford health insurance or reasonable emergency fund
Yet still pay tax, and still must work/

Working harder for less is creating more ill employees
Who'll retire with nothing but bills and heart aches
Loyalty and productivity no longer ensures retirement benefits
Yet un-taxed estates go to already privileged children
While workers children get burdened with their children' debt.

Now the cries of employees have reached a critical level
Where mystic laws that govern life, are activated
To correct injustices ignored and denied for too long
As the rich expect the poor to consume more to boost economies
While they save more, to keep generations of heirs secure

Its Tuesday 2/6/2018, and stock markets have slightly risen
From the drastic decreases of the past days
Experts are recomposing and re-asserting
But soon again, they'll be confounded
When economic greed and injustice starts take hits.

It may not be tomorrow
It may not be next month
But before this year and decade is over
Karma is certain to balance the economic imbalance that exists.

Stay strong workers worldwide
Continue to be productive wherever you're working
Purchase what you need, not what politicians are encouraging
To keep you poor, sick and vulnerable
And remain complicit to your engineered demise.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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