The Bench Poem by Jim Yerman

The Bench

There is a place we love to walk…a secluded nature trail
where we can watch birds fly above our heads and feel the trees exhale.

Today we came upon a bench…in this place where animals dwell
that seemed to be inviting us over…so we stopped and sat a spell.

There was a plaque upon the bench…that brought a smile to my face
explaining why this bench was positioned in this place.

A couple used to walk this trail…hand in hand or side by side.
The bench was dedicated by their children…placed here once they both died.

I'm sure the bench was put here as a way to celebrate their lives.
To show the world, even after death, that love can still survive.

Perhaps it sits here to reawaken our hearts…to those who did conceive us…
Perhaps it's here to remind us…those we love will never leave us.

Perhaps it's sitting along the trail in the shade of the tall pine trees
to remind us we will all pass through nature…on our way to eternity.

The bench is a little weathered now…I wonder…is it from the weather's abuse
or, as their children had intended, …has it seen a lot of use?

Do their parent's spirits sit on this bench…
enjoying the breeze…relishing in the view?
As we sat there watching birds fly over our heads…
I like to think they do.

Sunday, February 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death,love
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