The Beast And The Beautiful- Ii Poem by Arun Maji

The Beast And The Beautiful- Ii

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O beautiful, o rose
How could you contain my thirst
Only with sweetness of your soft petals?
Your softness, your tenderness, your sweetness
They all are too good, too sweet, too delicious
For my thirsty soul.

The bent in your look, dent in your smile,
Kink in your lips, curve in your fountain
They all are too mysterious, too dreamy, too enigmatic
For my hungry heart.
How could I be happy
Drinking only little of your nectar?

How could little of your flowers
Quench my infinite thirst?
How could little of your fruits
Satisfy my ever-growing hunger?
How could little of your divine sweetness
Fill my unending emptiness?

How could you contain my incessant play
Within little flowers of your bosom?
How could you cage my infinite crave
Within fragile walls of your heart?
How could you contain my wolf like wilderness
Within soft cage of your beauty?

I don't retire easily. I never do.
If I get to drown in your sea
I must drink whole of your sea as well.
If I get to jump into your cascades
I must swim deep as well.

No, I don't swim dressed. I never do.
I would swim in your sea
With my naked heart, naked soul,
Naked skin, naked thirst, naked desire.

Infinitely naked, gorgeously naked,
Hungrily naked, perpetually naked.
My heart entwined to your heart,
My soul sewn to your soul,
My skin stitched to your skin,
My embrace merged to your embrace;
I would swim in your eternal sea.

I would swim and swim
Until my body numbs
And mind depletes.

I must extinguish fire of your all-consuming volcano
That hides deep within your sea.
Yes, I must do what you want me to do.
I would empty you, drain you, swallow you
Within my insatiable desire.

© Arun Maji

The Beast And The Beautiful- Ii
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: desire,lust,passion
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