The Audacity Of The Ignorant Mind Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

The Audacity Of The Ignorant Mind

This is not an academic exercise
Meant to open channels of euphoria
Or to attract those obsessed with historical or scientific evidence
This is a malady that afflicts our societies today
We are supposed to be living in the 'Information and Technology' age
But it seems the truckloads of information we digest is junk and contaminated with poisonous mushrooms
We remain ignorant at the core of our being
But we have gathered the confidence of a 'conscious' society
The audacity of an ignorant mind is a documentary of humanity's illness and impeding doom
The human mind is a gigantic cosmic mystery
That is capable of achieving the highest form of awareness
But we have filled it with 'garbage' information
Remember what you 'get in' is what you 'get out' (GIGO)
You reap what you sow
We have defined it to be a platform of our selfishness, wickedness, fear and uncertainty
We have made it to be a joke in the eyes of the everlasting realm (spirit)
The ignorant mind is the most dangerous entity in the whole of the universe
It is capable of immense destruction and irreparable vandalization of the human spirit
It is found in every fibre of our society today
It makes decisions on the basis of unfounded cosmic principles
Its narrow mindedness has led to so much bloodshed, poverty and catastrophic climate change disasters
The ignorant mind is our single most dangerous enemy right now in this world of technology
It binds to nonsensical bits of information and makes unfounded opinions
That sometimes result in catastrophic atrocities
The ignorant mind has infiltrated positions of power and influence
And the consequences are felt most by children, wildlife and our most precious planet
The ignorant mind has a destructive power of a billion nuclear weapons
Let us be aware of our unawareness
And stop the hatred, corruption and selfish ways
It is an act of ignorance to hate your neighbor, colleague or anyone for that matter
Let us rise up to the highest summit of awareness
And awaken the everlasting spirit of Love
©Kenneth Maswabi

This poem exposes the dangers of the ignorant mind.
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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