Thank You, Sherrie Swensen Poem by Bryan Norton

Thank You, Sherrie Swensen

With patient understanding and a light and friendly touch
You came to be the County Clerk because you care so much
So many folks have come to know the kindness of your ways
And how you show the very best that leadership displays

No prejudice nor party pride has brought your office shame
And partisans on every side are known to praise your name
Your great concern is for the ones who never catch the bus
Because you care about the dreams that live in each of us

So many happy couples have been thrilled to say "I do"
Because they know the words you speak are beautiful and true
And travelers with passport needs are helped by friendly staff
Who represent your values as they serve on your behalf

The dedicated voter is the reason we are free
For voting is the call to serve in our democracy
The courage of the work you do preserves this sacred choice
For you believe that everyone deserves to have a voice

The promise of a happy life is why we do our part
But you have fostered our success by leading from the heart
The joyfulness in what you do is seen by one and all
So thank you, Sherrie Swensen, for the way you stand so tall!

Bryan Norton

Bryan Norton

Napa, California
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