Thank You For Poem by Dawn Lochridge

Thank You For

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The best gift in my lifetime was given by you and I want to thank you:

Thank you for letting me know you.
Thank you for helping me to understand you.
Thank you for helping me to get on the same page with you.
Thank you for helping me learn to be tough and stand up for myself.
Thank you for teaching me to fight like a man.
Thank you for helping me learn to catch people in their eyes.
Thank you for helping me learn and educate myself on compulsive lying.
Thank you for teaching me to protect my precious children.
Thank you for helping me by running around and all the cheating on me.
Thank you for giving me a gift for every time you beat on my face and head.
Thank you for letting me know how to work and support is while you drank an smoked.
Thank you for helping me enough to get knocked down an pull my own self up.
Thank you for teaching me what Narcissistic, bipolar maniacs, compulsive liars do to a healthy woman and children.
Thank you for helping me leave; all though my punishment returned almost immediately.
Thank you for helping me with future relationships that I threw away.
Thank you for helping me learn to fear men and women.
Thank you for taking my life and leaving my children with a mother who is helpless without their help.
Thank you for taking my career and leaving me with out a way to support us.
Thank you for all your hard work and help, taking care of your children.
Thank you for hiding up underneath your Whorish, adulterous slop bag.
Thank you for thinking of me and our daughter when I was surviving on what little money I had left.
Thank you for asking me to help you get away from -the whorish, adulteries slobbering drunk you told me she was.
Thank you for helping yourself to the very last penny I had.
Thank you for leaving me with nothing to go back to- The thing you described was a nasty, man looking woman and hid again from your daughter.

Thank you very much for teaching me how to help myself and my daughter to come to our sences and see you for what you are.
You're lucky she took you back because you both know and how to hurt your family.
Thank you for giving me a very beautiful and wise Lady you did have-Your Mother.
Thank you for helping me think I was doing okay and telling me I was faking my illness that has been diagnosed.

I am Thankful to be rid of you from my life and my heart.
I am Thankful for my lessons of what life can be without you and the abuse.
I am Thankful you don't come around.
I am Thankful to be a happily ever after now.
I am Thankful to know you are miserable and recentme.
I am Thankful to be alive and a roof over my daughters head and a son that loves hisfamily and Mama.
I am Thankful for the wonderful gift of a family you left and I don't miss you.
I am Thankful for the successful man and daughter I raised.
I am Thankful for my children knowing right from wrong.
I am Thankful for the love of my Lord and Savior and from my family and you're family.
I am Thankful you're gone and you're living a tough hard life.
I am Thankful I don't love you anymore and care if you're okay.
I am going to say-
Never think mental or physical abuse is okay! I am proof of that, along with many morewoman and children, men.
You took my Love and your children's,
I hope you learned how to treat others.
I am no longer an option or your children's.
Written an owner 02/2012

Friday, August 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: divorce,mental illness
Just a little something from someone I used to think I know
Jazib Kamalvi 12 December 2018

Wow! Great poetry, DawnLea. Read my poem Love and L u s t. Thanks

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