Tears With Smiles Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Tears With Smiles

Rating: 5.0

A scene that is seen under rare blue moons,
When smile drops tears and tears smile,
I can't believe, am I sleeping and dreaming,
Oh human heart! You are so fragile!

While facing frustrations you were a stone
Now when a dream has suddenly come true,
You melted with joy like a heated ice cube,
Pink in a moment in the next you're blue!

Unexpected joys how pleasant are you!
Come on dear tears and with your salt,
Let the lips taste hot pearls of my eyes,
My lips will become a work of art!

The tears that kiss the smiling lips,
Are better than smiles that end in tears,
Thanks God how you oblige a man,
Who passes his life in doubts and fears!

Bri Edwards 15 July 2016

overall, i enjoyed this. i do have some trouble understanding your use of pink and blue in the order in which you used them. i've sent you a note about that. ;) favorite lines: You melted with joy like a heated ice cube, AND: Let the lips taste hot pearls of my eyes, this will now go into my/OUR July 2016 a showcase for PH poets, found on my PH site in my list of poems. bri :)

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 29 June 2016

While facing frustrations you were a stone Now when a dream has suddenly come true, You melted with joy like a heated ice cube, Pink in a moment in the next you're blue! Verily, tears have many reasons and attitude....10

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