Surrender To Service Poem by Kiran Pillai

Surrender To Service

Rating: 3.5

World spins around me
In all direction and dimensions
Stay focussed on the moment
Decide to not get shaken too much.

Things have changed. Times too.
How to read the present moment only?
Too many distractions pull on attention.
I focus only on what I should do.

Stoic ideas teach me to focus
Only on those that I can change.
Too many ideas are just beyond me
Even if I wish to capture and keep them.

What idea can I change? What effects?
I know a few ideas where I can work on.
Like a path clear with garbage on sides.
Keep walking. Never step on garbage.

My mind becomes clear and focussed today.
People need some service from me.
I needed service before. I stand now.
Just do what is necessary and be happy.

Understanding what the seniors did before.
Work is not good. Keep doing it anyway.
Forget the glory and gala recognition later.
It is this moment that matters anyways.

I am reminded of service I need to do.
Keep moving in direction of service.
That is all that I have some power over.
Forget everything else. Surrender to service.

Saturday, May 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: service,spirituality
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