Spirituality: Mother Of All Sciences Poem by Tushar Ray

Spirituality: Mother Of All Sciences

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Solid peace is the destination all men are after
Scientists have been vying to reach that goal
Yet peace has been illusiory with most so far
Not knowing that peace is basis of immortal soul

True religious teacher is a spiritual scientis,
Who ask us to follow the logical steps
And to find on our own the root of Truth within
That also pervades this endless space

We must follow our faith as religious scientist
And verify the end truth along our way
If we considered us as truly religious
We must keep illogical thoughts at far-off bay

Essence of each faith is to reach the end Truth
That supports all things in and around us
Using acute feeling and steady intellect
Let's keep the spirit linked feeling harmonious

This science is destined for dedicated peace
That is always available deep inside us
But wrongly think that peace is outside
So seeking peace outside makes us cacophonous

As mother of true peace Love dwells in our heart
Radiating lifelong on her natural course
And we are to tune in to her overflowing peace
And enjoy becoming this integral source

Thus peace from divine Mother dwells in us
Based on the degree of our gratitude to her
Realizing in time that her love is undying
Only mistakenly we had been at odd with her

Friday, November 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
Geetha Jayakumar 27 January 2015

A Beautiful poem on Peace. A thoughtful write. Very true said, peace is with us and not outside. Loved reading it.

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Tushar Ray

Tushar Ray

Kolkata, India
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