Silence Of The Righteous Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Silence Of The Righteous

The world in in turmoil
The world is plucked by evil
The world is under attack
The world is under siege
The world is heading for destruction
The world is heading for condemnation
The wicked ones are rejoicing
The wicked ones are celebrating
The righteous ones are silent
The righteous ones are silent.

The tragedy is not in what is done by the wicked
The tragedy is not in what is said by the wicked
No, the tragedy is not in the actions of the wicked
Nor in the speech of the wicked
The tragedy is in the inaction of the righteous
The tragedy is in the silence of the righteous.

Homosexuality has been legalised
God rained down hell in Sodom and Gomorrah because of this sin
But the righteous are silent
They fear being accused of hate speech
God's Word is now referred to as hate speech
Abortion has been legalised
But the righteous are silent
The Bible states 'Thou shall not kill'
Widows and orphans are ill treated
The poor and downtrodden are abused
But the righteous are silent
The righteous are silent.

The silence of the righteous breaks my heart
I break down and weep
My heart is in sorrow
My spirit mourns
My soul degenerates.

Saturday, March 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
Edward Kofi Louis 17 April 2017

My spirit mourns! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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