Sequence Of Accidents Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Sequence Of Accidents

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What a design, precision, perfection everywhere,
What an engineering marvel in its subtle process!
Sheer music, orchestra of the matching resonance!
Wherever you look, or wherever you intently hark,
What an order, discipline from beginning to the end,
In life, lifeless, vacuum, elements or celestial stars,
In all Universes and without, to quarks and within,
In time, in space, in dimensions and nature’s laws
In uncanny processes that run everything forward –
All meet in sublime orchestra of the surreal kind
And tie all into one huge synergic grand whole
Of celestial grand music that transcends creation.

In shares, proportions and distribution of kinds
In the rise and fall, in all growths and deaths,
In waves of thoughts, and vibrations of souls,
In flows of emotions, and sparks of insights
Invisible calculus does carry a sublime justice
And makes everything here a balanced vehicle
That runs in right speed on befitting right rails;
No nut or bolt of the system loosens ever here,
No slip of false steps affects the process here,
No fall in volume of power or the short-circuits
Or the leakage of fuel, accidental wears and tears
Ever block the run of the supernatural marvel.

Look at a lovely flower in the spring’s colours,
Look to woman’s changes in the child-birth,
The tricks of the breath, and digestion of food –
What sequence and symphony works out there!
Billions are humans lived for thousands of years,
But no two is alike in their sole look and traits,
What records and figures keep them all distinct?
Night and day roll for the rest and long work,
Winter and summer in pursuit follow each other,
The body blossoms while pollination is in need,
And gender is worked to complement the other,
And attractions do limit only to specific species.

Wherever there is need, nature does feed there,
Following the rise to top, downward fall starts;
Oceans are huge, while land mass is far short,
Water from oceans rises to cool sky as steam
And fills river beds, ponds and sinks into ground
To bear life on the land, and sustain life there;
Dawn rolls to noon and the noon changes to dusk,
Childhood grows to youth, then to withering stage,
Comforts to indolence, and indigence to hard work,
Struggles all through life to reach impossible goals;
Water anywhere runs downward and keeps level,
So everything in nature maintains balance in the end.

All is in balance here, in irresistible unique beauty,
In order and discipline, in perfection in every detail;
We’re its minute parts; we constitute its nuts and bolts,
Creations of its balances, we, see beauty in the whole,
Everything that beyond us looks marvelous naturally;
We’re its child; in hindsight we find order there,
Everything that succeeds is part of that preceded,
And we’re sweet fruits of whatever the nature was;
Whatever accidents in sequence created all of us,
As part of that sequence, we feel an order in all!
Is it the subtle reason why we see order everywhere?
Truly I know not, for I’m only its insignificant bit.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy
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