Science Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Science, omniscience; science omnipotent,
Science, omniparous; science omnipresent,
Yet the science as it is is more an ignorance,
And science as it is is uncertain life course;
Whole is all; nought, a not, self knowledge,
Anything inbetween is uncertain, unfair risk,
An illusion of truth, mirage, false confidence,
More on wrong path, right only by a chance.

Live by science is a universal rightful call
While science is total in knowledge's scope;
Science is nature; science, truth; true bedrock,
Science, perfection; leads life to its height;
But, alas, now, science, just out of horizon,
Dawn, more dark, sheds less light around;
Refracted dim light spawns freak figures,
Better look within, rather than on false light.

More and more world, dark to human sight,
More of world violates now man's calculus;
Not more than one tenth science man knows,
Why follow one tenth to violate nine tenth?
Ignorant most calls to live science at all cost
That changes like chameleons colours a'day,
That denies at noon what it claimed morning;
Yet definite true gems science throws out oft.

Science is a process in man's advancement,
Science is the evolution to the ultimate truth;
Science is not goal; science as is is not whole,
Science is true light to find one's life course;
Science spurs eyes to see what all lies ahead,
But eyes are eyes, and the discretion is yours
To beat illusions and distinguish truthful light
And lead right life in the light of inner sight.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy,science
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