School Vacation Poem by sookdeo manansingh manansingh

School Vacation

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I feel relieved to be away from school
free from classwork to sit upon
an uncomfortable stool
I feel relax to being in the company
with the animals on the farm
where I can look at the world
in the mirror of my palm

When I journey to the estate
and see how beautiful the plants grow
I can understand the importance
of education and what I must know
a visit to the seashore allows me to enjoy
the flow of the wave
that I can connect to the world
and learn how to save

I am never bored with the scenery
from the mountain site
it gives me the confidence to seek knowledge
and to attain a great height
to exercise my limbs in the playfield
will better prepare me for tomorrow
that whatever I acquire with faith
and sacrifice will not leave me in sorrow

to look at the stars will give me the potential
to go in pursuit of my goal
I will be the change I dream
and to rise above the obstacles in this world
to keep the rich ethos of the school
and to discipline my mind
I will have to return to my responsibility
and to reconsider the new pathways I find

there will always be another day
when I will return to plough the field
to harvest the fruit of knowledge
and what destiny may yield
again I will be happy to share
the excitement of my vacation
with whom I peer
I will always remember these moments
that I can reflect upon
and to walk without fear.

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