Resonance Of The Shattered Poem by Noen Muti

Resonance Of The Shattered

Rating: 5.0

In the quiet hours, the clock strikes three,
My restless mind, memories galore.
Wishing they'd fade, these echoes of you,
Persisting, enduring, like morning dew.

Lies were spoken, a deceptive creed,
'Just snap your fingers, ' they said, indeed.
As if healing were a simple decree,
Yet, in the solitude, your ghost shadows me.

Time, the elusive remedy I seek,
Snapping, one, two, emotions run deep.
Where are you, in the recess of my mind?
A heart's entanglement, difficult to unwind.

Snapping, three, four, a plea to depart,
No need for you, no room in my heart.
Yet, you linger, a stubborn refrain,
In the symphony of loss, a haunting strain.

'I'm writing a poem, ' a last attempt,
How many last poems, a futile lament.
my heart ablaze,
Nights in the rain, love's fervent maze.

So I'm snapping, one, two, searching for peace,
Where are you hiding, a love's slow release?
Don't need you anymore, the plea grows strong,
Get out of my heart, where you don't belong.

Oh, I might snap, a fragile refrain,
In the chorus of heartache, the echo remains.
And if they say, 'Get over it, ' once more,
I might retreat, silence before I snap, snap, snap.

In the rhythm of loss, where lyrics entwine,
A heart's plea, a melody resigned.
Snapping, one, two, the echoes persist,
You're still in my heart, an unwelcome twist.

Snapping, three, four, the final decree,
Don't need you here, the soul set free.
Get out of my heart, the ultimatum's rap,
'Cause I might snap, a silent collapse.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: poems,poem,broken heart,break up
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