Religion Poem by DM W


Rating: 5.0

Born from dogma, and often circumscribed,
The stern, yet dedicated nurse
Soothes our usual wounds and patiently deals
With humankind's litany of time honoured
Complaints. For some this suffices. While there
Are more adventurous others, who may
Seek out alternative ways: more modern,
Enigmatic or esoteric solutions.
For there are many pathways to the Light.
There are also many distractions: from
Pastimes, drugs, idolatry to vulgar
Jingoism; from incessant work to
The wild pursuit of sordid ecstasies;
From vain meanderings to the worship
Of lesser gods at the neon market:
That's more alluring than church or temple.
Each distractions seems to be an attempt
To fend off death for as long as possible.
Whether we remain with, or return to
The trusted, yet stern nurse is a matter
Of conscience. Do we break away from
The doubted centre of Being as we
Continue to deny the darkness, or
Decipher obscure mysteries on our
Own? Or do we simply stick with the tried and
Tested, in warm communion with others?
Perhaps it's the case that we are now so
Self - aware and self-actualised
That we no longer require a crutch to
Lean upon? These questions still plague my mind.

Monday, August 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: doubt,religion
Dominic Windram 15 August 2020

Thanks Shaun. I tried to pack a lot into this one. Personally, I think it raises more questions than easy answers. But I've never much cared for easy answers.Nevertheless, what I do think is that subsituting religion, ethics etc. for an anything goes, relativistic approach seems doomed to fail.

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Shaun Cronick 12 August 2020

Doubt will always be there like religion. And also redemption, revelation and a whole plethora of other things. A fine poem Dominic, certainly one to make one think and digest on different levels. A full score and thank you and take care.

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