Our Mecca Poem by Victor Ogoti

Our Mecca

We’ve walked our different ways
And now we walk one
It matters not yours or mine
For now we walk one

In turns we pull down hurdles
That seem so high for one to jump
It matters not who goes first
You or me the over side we’ve touched

We lean on each other and yomp
When one is weak the other is stronger
It’s no concern that we’ve all got tired
In yonder we rest and yomp again

We follow this way beyond the streets
Of honking traffic and blaring speakers
Beyond market stalls that smell samosa
Across the meadows scented with nectar
Through savannah and desert sandstorms
We hassle our way messed in a maze
Follow gleaming rays of golden sun
And now we stare at the azure horizons
Beyond which benevolent Mecca lies

Oh whence comes from this stranger
that takes your palm and takes your weight
And I see it now in your dilated pupils
In the lines of your seductive smiles
how conspicuous from furrows of skin
in the heaves of your gracious bosom
That now you love than ever before

ears hearken to these sinister musings
our way is wrong and you change course
and now you’ve left me, so lonely again.
how is it like beginning again?
Thought one and one made us one
Thinking to know yet knowing not

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