Once Upon A Winter Day Poem by Joseph T. Renaldi

Once Upon A Winter Day

Rating: 5.0

Once upon a winter day
Gray clouds passed swiftly across the sky
As shapely snowflakes fell steadily down,
Covering the land in a dazzling white
Leaving a winter calling card on the ground.

Once upon a winter day
The snow-edged creek silently wept
Near the shadows of the tall pine trees
Trimmed in a glittering white lace,
Creating an impressive display in the breeze.

Once upon a winter day
Branches drooped to the impassable road
Due to the weight of the snow.
Icicles hung from the dormant trees
In view of the shattered daylight glow.

Once upon a winter day
Nothing is heard but rubbing tree limbs
And a stray dog faintly barking,
The vibrant sound of a frightened deer,
A broken tree branch suddenly falling.

Once upon a winter day
The distant snow-covered hills
Loomed in the path of the gloomy sky,
Where the northerly wind briskly growled
As chickadees and juncos fluttered by.

Norah Tunney 01 April 2016

Full marks Beautiful flow Very original eg winter calling card

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Rajnish Manga 02 January 2015

I doubt if the scene of a winter day can be recreated in a better way than done in this poem. The poet deserves full marks.

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Joseph T. Renaldi

Joseph T. Renaldi

Frackville, Pennsylvania
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