Omicron, Please Give Our World A Chance To Breathe Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Omicron, Please Give Our World A Chance To Breathe

Where has the hour of peace wandered
where has the flower of health withered
why has man to live by anxiety and fear
why has a new variant created such a turmoil?
Out there in the streets people panic
no one wants to talk to anyone for a minute
everyone keeps hurrying away like butterflies
is this the time to be alive or just hide?
When will time bring back again the joie de vivre?

Each heart breathes with angst and apprehension
and though they are not yet infected or sick
still the dread and distress makes pulse to tick;
so Omicron, make no mistakes with life and death
as existence is what makes humanity so valuable
so don't be pitiless and don't be cruel,
respect the human race and spare us to survive.

Many have fallen so ill and suffocated before
many have been hospitalized and treated with care,
many have died while struggling on ventilators
so have mercy and don't injure the human race;
corona has done enough damage and sorrow,
so please be merciful and don't recast those sufferings.

The world has not been able to stabilize as yet
the people have not been able to overcome their agony,
the health, the peace has all fallen asunder;
so keep your reign of troubles away from the human race;
as it is now that we are left to re-invent tomorrow
it is now we must live and not perish
it is now that we must have value for our existence
so omicron, please spare us our lives, I implore you.

Let the world spin with vivacity so precious
let the heart that loves feel no more of pain or sorrow
let the eyes see no more of hospitals and ventilators
let the lungs not suffocate on oxygen cylinders.
The kindness of a sun is in the sunshine
the warmth of heat is in the fire
but the dread of an infection is in the virus
so omicron don't make us flee or plea.

The world needs its people
the earth needs its creatures
the home needs its family
so omicron find your way out of the door;
it is only peace and health I ask you
it is not diamonds and gems I seek from you
but I implore you to spare our world
from the discomfort and discontent you can create.

Go omicron go; find those fields where
you can dissolve your rage and fury;
our world is so simple though it is so big and it is
only a few years we get to live here in harmony
if we have good health, good lungs and peace.

Omicron, Please Give Our World A Chance To Breathe
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