O My Brothers Grow Flowers Poem by Matloob Bokhari

O My Brothers Grow Flowers

O my brother, sow the seeds of flowers,
So the babes may rear in the lap of flowers,
Not in the dark cold heart of gold,
And youth of nation may fill their hands
With white roses, not stain with arrow blood.
O my brother, plant flowers
To grow sweet petals in your thoughts and minds,
And preserve the pious culture of peace.
O my brother, grow flowers
Close the book of sermons of two faced preachers,
And enjoy the silent language of butterfly and breeze.
O my brother, grow flowers
So that the maiden, with long flowing blonde hair
May spread aroma of her splendour in the valley of love
And the lover may wear round his neck
Wreath of flowers woven by the hands of love.
O my brother, grow flowers
So that thinking mind may gaze on the Infinite Beauty,
And the lover of Allah in his love delight
Wearing flowers in his hair may dance in the sunbeams.
O my brother, grow flowers
So the man must learn from the rhythmic swaying of lily flowers
All the blissful joy is swinging in the arms of truth, love and beauty

Cindi Silva: Lovely write; as I read this I felt a flood of powerful raw emotion filled with love and hope coursing through my veins. Xoxoxo
Isabelle Black Smith: Reminds me a bit of the old song 'Where have all the flowers gone'. Beautiful rhythm of peace, hope and love in your words, Matloob.
Sandra Delussu: You give me goose bumps of joy with this Matloob! ..yesssyesss..close book of sermons..and grow flowers...ahhh crazy high and high soul!
Farzana Altaf: You are incredibly talented, I really enjoy your writes
Christine Nash: Oh here it is :) My feed must be running slow. Love LoveLove this. Truly captures the gentle and fragile nature of the flowers compared to peace. Hits on the main fuels too that build tension, religion and greed. Great write. And why must work towards a common goal. The kiddo's and our own inner peace. Gonna have me smiling all day remembering this.
Ivy Ford DeShield: Powerfully, passionate voice!
Porshyee Burton: A timely message! you are a sage!
Margaret Gudkov: You made me sway in beauty of your poem. Matloob...I think this the best I've ever read by you. This is very good.
Heather Burns: This is a beautiful work growing flowers. so many sweet similes here.
Isabelle Black Smith: Such a beautiful rhythm of peace, hope and love in your poem, Matloob. Reminds me a bit of the old song 'Where have all the flowers gone.' Lovely!
Laura Grillo Laveglia: This is a gorgeous poem Matloob! I hope it will come true some day soon! ! !
Heather Burns: beautiful flowers flowing in the breezes., sweet petals in your thoughts and mind. flowers woven by the hands of love.
Ketsy Rivera: ‎'To grow sweet petals in your thoughts and minds, and preserve the pious culture of peace...' What beautiful metaphor of call towards peace....thanks for sharing Mat, God bless you!
Scott Utley: Very great write - oh brother grow flowers - how perfect can one sentence be? I wish to read your transcendent words to remind me to honor my mother and my father and the peace they sacrificed for..... for us thank you
Gail Wolper: Love the beautiful unwinding of this poem. And the line about the white flowers in particular.
Barbara Wühr: You really know what sort of paradise we are dreaming of, dear Matloob Bokhari
Gavriel Navarro: Nice piece Matloob! like all the connotations presented in a poetic way...
Alma Delacruz Gossman: Nothing is a greater rush than that of Divine's Nature gifts and how they in turn affect us. I admire our very positive view...and pray and hope the message continues and is fully embraced!
Ketsy Rivera: Wonderful prose, nicely written Matloob Bokhari!
Roselyn Sogano: Hello! beautiful, awesome poet., ..I appreciate it much, ..: -) I like it, more power, GODBLESS
Carole Semeniuk: Loving poetMatloobBokhari ~ divine ~! ~. amazing.. your words........ truly.
Devada Gruber: Flowers are so beautiful to look at. May they be pure and grow abundantly. Beautifully written poem Matloob.
Helen McManus: The beauty of the flowers is alive and well withinyour words! !
Michele Vizzotti-White: Love ur thoughts, i think more people should like you as well!
Angela Davis: Wonderful Matloob! I needing this calming effect today!
Kristy Raines: Matloob, you are so talented...Your words are so well put together...I just love your poetry.
Bindi Sharma: Grow sweet petals in your thoughts and minds..... Great read
Len Gesinski: Beautiful Piece, Peace and Freedom......Thank You for the Tag!
Frances Anna Ayers: Yes lovely and calming!
RukiahAnnuar: Thank you for sharing... beautiful write Matloob Bokhari.
Maryam Ilyas: so the man must learn from rhythmic swaying of rose! brilliant and thanks 4 sharing.
Debra Roberts: hopeful sentiments. plant flowers, sow peace.
Rabab Abdelwareth Mokhtar: grow grow flowers, , wonderful Matloob Bokhari..Allah bless you
Persian Khushi: Simple word use an Amazing Unique write. blBeauty of the author's soul.
Shahzia Batool: a unique poem of its own kind...a wordsworthian flavor of the fair seed time...hellenic delight...beautiful work...

Heather Burns: blissful joy is in looking up high. there is so many beautiful lines in your poem. great writing.

Sherry Mays: Beautiful...could feel the beauty.
would love to read..Thanks so very much!
the poem that you shared is amazing....beautiful....treat to my soul.

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