No Friends Poem by Cowboy Ron Williams

No Friends

Rating: 5.0

I've discovered I don't have a friend.
That's a thing that I surely must end.
Oh, there must be some trick;
on which key should I click?
I have got to reverse this sad trend.

No Friends
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: friends
This poem was inspired by Bri Edwards.
He sent me a message saying that he was adding me to his friends list.
I am fairly new to Poem Hunter and I thought - - Friends list?
What is that?
So I searched and found my friends list and discovered
that I have no friends!

I actually do consider many people that I have "met" on Poem Hunter
to be my friends, but I have never added any of them to any list.

Then I got to thinking: just with a few clicks of the mouse,
I can make people my "friends", even if I have never met
them, or if they have never heard of me.

Or do I need someone's permission to make him my friend?
I guess not, or Bri Edwards could not make me his friend,
since I never gave him permission.
However, I will rectify that situation right now:
Bri, you have my permission to make me your friend!

Is it possible for me to make Robert Frost or Shel Silverstein
my friends, even though they are deceased?
Perhaps dead friends are better than none.
I'll have to see what can be done.

...No, it's not possible. I have now checked,
and it can't be done. What a pity!

But thank you, Bri, my now or soon-to-be friend,
for the inspiration!

10 October 2020
L Milton Hankins 10 October 2020

Laughing out loud. This is a wonderful little poem, but the poem in the explanation notes is better! Ron, you have a humorous streak that is truly put to good use! Keep writing. I'll be your friend, too!

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Cowboy Ron Williams 11 January 2023

So Poem Hunter no longer has a friends list... That means that, once again, I have no friends!

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Kim Barney 11 January 2023

Bri Edwards is correct when he says that PH no longer has a friends list. The old system was so much better than this one!

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Kim Barney 11 January 2023

Great limerick and outstanding poet's note. Five stars!

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Bri Edwards 14 October 2020

the poem to MyPoemList (but i may not use it anytime soon in a showcase) . the photo, at least the left side of it to MyPhotosList [no, there is no such thing] The Poet's Notes is esp. superb. I may now be your PH friend, but i don't 'loan' money to friends. bri :) p.s. inspiration from me is given FREEly.

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Bri Edwards 11 January 2023

It's '2' years later and I'd completely forgotten about this poem, Ron's Poet's Notes and the comments here. By the way aka btw, PH no longer has a 'Friends List'; it is one of the features/user-friendly features PH discontinued. : ( bri

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Darwin Henry Beuning 11 October 2020

Ron, In this Virus World it's hard to make new friends when you cannot see their face

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Bri Edwards 14 October 2020

No, Hank, it ain't! bri :)

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