My's Magic Poem by Poetical Analysis

My's Magic

I gots strong magic
You could never grab it
Even if I gave it to you
You still wouldn't have it
Even if you made it a life long habit

My's magic is as strong as space
Fills more room than it takes
Doesn't know how to not make a mistake
Generates destiny & unravels fate
A master key to unlock any gate
It never gives what it cannot take

My magic casts spells with more letters than a book
With more pixels than every digital pic ever took
More ingredients than every meal ever cooked
Couldn't spit it if I told you just what to say
Cause words are as real as any given day
And magic works in the opposite way

My magic is like saying Eve is The Messiah
That Abraham is a rapist pariah
That The Republic is a utensil of evil
And that monkeys actually evolved from people
Which came first the womb or the woe
My magic makes unknown what we already know
It's here for a limited time only, y'all don't wanna miss this show

10: 19: 14

Friday, October 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: magic
Poetical Analysis

Poetical Analysis

San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA
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