My Life Long Lover Poem by Howard Johnson

My Life Long Lover

Rating: 5.0

She is as deserving faithful for me to be.
Even more than those that came before.

From around neck there was a chain.
By my side.
She shall remain.
For its removal has not left me alone.
Givin her a ring and a throne.

She knows
she needs
not the key to me.
Will be allowed to walk in and out.
Sometimes the flame will be week or out.
Her warming presents ever in about.
Will she have a gipsy twin?
Perhaps which one will I win?

I love to feel her in and out.
Do I feel dirty all about.
The deeper she goes in.
I Forget about the gipsy twin

I miss her greatly when she not there.
Not Laying on my bed all bear.

Part of what must I endure.
Is the feeling of ensure.

What feeling brought us here to learn
Love and lust will affurm.

But my battle may I win.
Against the small neglectful twin.

Patrice James 25 December 2007

A great tritube for your wife....another 10+ I wish i could give you more for such a great words but i can only give you 10.

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Ewigi Liebe 10 December 2007

very beautiful greatfully enjoy reading it...thanks for sharing. best regards, Mary

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Patricia Gale 07 March 2006

How lovely for your wife, you are really growing with your writing! Patricia

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Mary Nagy 07 March 2006

Hi Howard! What lovely sentiment for your wife. What a lucky woman she is to be adored by you....I love the part about giving her a throne! :) What woman doesn't want that? ? ? Sincerely, Mary

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