My Daddy Passed Away Poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

My Daddy Passed Away

Seven months ago, my daddy passed away
He passed away
He was not allowed to stay
for another day
To say the final say

He left me alone in a rough sea
He did not finish the story, he was telling me
He left me to guess, how the end could be! !

Oh, Daddy I am not that very smart
To do things, the way you do the art
Alone in the middle of the sea, he left me
He knew that I cannot swim
To reach the shore without him

My Daddy leaked away
Like the thin air through the door
He will never come back,
Or appear in the corridor

I'm so sorry, I am so sorry
Not to know the end of the story

He was my daylight
He was so bright,
And knew what was good for me,
And what was right

Bu alas, the whole wisdom has gone
With all the fun, with all the pun
And I was done

I was lonely left, to go the long way
Stumbling through the dark
A prey for snakes on the road
Or a victim for the shark

Daddy was my reference book
Where I used to look, to find solutions
Without hesitation, for every situation

I remember when together we go to the doctor
You did never tell the truth or explain
But I used to guess how much was the pain
But because you were strong and brave,
You did never make much complain

You were too wise, Dad, with great imagination! !
A whole library has left the destination,
Had all gone, so what have you left for the nation?
Who will provide the best education for this generation?

We are left alone to strive for life
No more words to read and no more sounds
Hundreds of books buried in the grounds
So, will there be some more rounds?

Dad, I am so sorry,
You did not stay, to tell me the rest of the story
But nevertheless,
I will restless, try to guess
And solve the whole quiz,

So, Daddy, go to sleep in peace, in your last resort
accompanied with the call of the whole family
to dwell in the eternal paradise
You were so kind and so wise
So may Allah have mercy on your soul
And on our poor souls, in whole

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