Monsoon's Melody Poem by Vinaya Joseph

Monsoon's Melody

In the monsoon's embrace, the earth does sigh,
As raindrops dance from the azure sky.
Clouds gather in a majestic array,
Painting the heavens in shades of gray.

The parched earth quenches its thirst anew,
With each gentle droplet, life's renew.
Rivers swell, and streams cascade,
Nature's symphony in rain portrayed.

Leaves shimmer with a dewy sheen,
As nature's palette turns lush and green.
The scent of petrichor fills the air,
A fragrance sweet beyond compare.

In the monsoon's melody, birds take flight,
Their songs blending with the falling light.
Fields sway with the rhythm of the rain,
A harmonious chorus, a timeless refrain.

Yet amid this beauty, there's a subtle roar,
As thunder echoes from shore to shore.
Lightning flashes, illuminating the night,
A celestial spectacle, a wondrous sight.

So let us revel in the monsoon's grace,
In its gentle touch and its fierce embrace.
For in its embrace, we find solace and song,
In the monsoon's embrace, we truly belong.

Vinaya Joseph

Vinaya Joseph

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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