Monalisa Smile Poem by Bharati Nayak

Monalisa Smile

Rating: 4.4

Oh Leonardo
Oh De Vinci
Monalisa smiles
Not in Louvre
The sparkle
In the corner of her eyes
Framed in the image
Lighting a passion
Kindling a desire
In the heart of
Yet another De Vinci
Glory to the Artist
For whose brush stroke
Painted the smile
Half hidden half revealing
Mysteries weaving
Left it for all
to unravel in future.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: art,creation,creativity
Dr.subhendu Kar 21 November 2015

Painted the smile Half hidden half revealing Mysteries weaving Left it for all..................hypnotically draws to write something,10+, thanks for sharing as smile ripples from blue within as blossom rivets from cusp of joy yet smile unveils curve of love to billow yet fledgling to fly beyond yet being within.wonderful

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Bharati Nayak 21 November 2015

Thanks a lot.Your poetic paintings through comments beautify the original.Brings real joy.

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Stephani Kievaughan 25 September 2015

ya know they say the Mona Lisa is a self portrait done in the opposite gender.

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Bharati Nayak 25 September 2015

Thanks for your comments.Really it is an interesting piece of information.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 April 2020

Hi Bharati, Today, my eye caught the Mona Lisa smile, ever mysterious and enigmatic that has captured millions of hearts. Lovely Poem.......10 Thank you for visiting my page. Hope all is fine with you. God bless you my dear Poetess!

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Indira Renganathan 23 November 2017

She is mysterious for ever with that great smile....though we are not sure of what and why we feel that there is something in her smile....and over the years we repeatedly have fallen for that smile...Monalisa is for ever much your poems too Bharati....thank you

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Edward Kofi Louis 25 September 2017

In the corner of her eyes! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Chinedu Dike 17 January 2017

Lovely piece on the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa, elegantly penned with insight. It's a beautiful work of art - one of the greatest paintings of all times by the iconic Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks for sharing.

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Bri Edwards 01 July 2016

i have the original hanging from the spare towel rod in our bathroom. she winked at me the other day as i stepped out of the shower. bri :)

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Bharati Nayak 02 July 2016

Thanks for reading the poem.Yes, Monalisa is always original.

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