Mensual Gazebo Of Schmaltz Poem by Enchanting Owl

Mensual Gazebo Of Schmaltz

Rating: 5.0

New beginnings, new journeys, new equations.
January is the first of many celebrations.
As February flashes by at the speed of light,
preparing for Lovestruck and falling in love with a wight.

Willow is designed to weep and peep in March.
It signifies sanguineness and myth—it's a parch.
April gives fruit to a leader who is fearless.
A kind with heart, vision, and foresight—ending the arched parlous.

May's poetry. June's prose. Both are clivity.
Poetry is the blood that sustains creativity.
Prose is the water that flows into gold realism.
Both are set and needed to awaken visual surrealism.

July cements the ground for apostleship.
As days stretch longer than usual, it can't be skipped.
August's loyal and slips away like an old wine.
A dive into the sea, a good sip in the summer sunshine.

The start of Yuletide, snowmen, and reindeers,
September is a divine time to please the daintier.
Fireplaces, falling leaves—signs of October.
To ease and mute the gem of a talker that needs a prober.

Celebration of the ghost and the living,
November's hymn is a song and hugs to the missing.
December is the concluding page of the book.
The birth of Christ and priming for the New Year—a festive nook.

As we spend our entire year, we invest more than money: emotional baggage, physical properties, intellectual juices, and more. We gain more than we expect, and we gain things we did not expect. This poem portrays each month and what it means to me. In this age when I have my fair share of experience, good or bad, educational or karma, it's my experience, and I am proud and will always be thankful.
S S 24 August 2023

everytime i read your poem, my respect for you is increasing, great joooob

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M H 24 August 2023

so beautifully made

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CJ DG 24 August 2023

I really like this poem, I will introduce to my class. thanks

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Acir Eryat 24 August 2023

the titles are very catchy and intriguing, clever poet

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Julrick Verallo 24 August 2023

the rhythm is so sync, i commend this

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S December 24 August 2023

I really the build each moment, it's so unique, , another great work

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