Mass Suicide Of The Homonym Poem by Justin Aptaker

Mass Suicide Of The Homonym

words laid in lines, like allelles, can have kinds- while dissimilar, yet tangent and thus recognizable, with differentiations slight or sizable- of ryhmes
they are replications, done not perfectly, but done perfectly (note now the lie is caused by the exception that the true children would call poetic imperfection)to be given
that gift of the quality through which some poems are gifted
with "giving", which gives them adaptive advantage, a vantage, from which this is best: varied vocabulary, Dante-esque and no less; in my metaphoricalness, rhyming "perfectly" all the time:
perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly perfectly...
although the line, we see, "perfectly" rhymes, it is for all time, utterly imperfect for giving anything; it gives nothing

so the best falls to worst, the last shown to be first

now meter becomes
any heartbeat like drums
so note that I've moved
beyond harmonic hums

not reproduction
alone, but conduction
makes engine pump blood
complex life construction

of meanings we must then
hint at that meaning
exists we can trust in

the first thing to go
is that meaning and so
we pretend meaning
no, time, we do not know

once obscurity kills
the logos new ills
and arrhythmias show
first subtle yet still

as the reptile sees
it felled forest, then trees
begin falling and we
the axe handle and that
we are made to perceive

the anomaly more
than dead conscience can bear now
the meter is jarred
so hard
starts to flutter
and we remember that jello, cherry red pumps no blood

seized by remembering, we can not forget
our silent psychosomatic mantra
from our head the chest gets
not yet! we're dying! not yet! we're dying! not yet, not yet
we're dying, we're dying! we're dying
dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying

the meter ran down, none around, only rhymes, only times, only memories fine
we ask and we answer the rhymes
pool together, school together like platelets breaking the rest of the arteries
upstarteries, mad riotous masses behaving

sad, this has to end somehow
the rhymes themselves will feed worms as they stagnate
in a outmoded system that is so far from able to (no longer "procreate")throw useless bits of itself into progeny
the fittest survived only
within a dream

wrong, Spencer, wrong
none survived
not a one
and the dead do not speak no matter
what you say to them
talk, not a
and with that now said
broke, limestone cylinder


Saturday, June 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: abstract,esoteric,language,literature,philosophical ,poetic expression,riddle,riddle poem,riddles
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