Marcus Garvey Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Marcus Garvey

now because i am excluded on various levels
and real properties are up for sale surrounded by waters
wouldn't it make sense to have a ship?
many businesses have their own island and ship
im not following em though
and who is the largest ship building country in the world?
and why we as indigenous people are the most peaceful people on the planet?
cause we actually got other duties to do seriously which includes our family and Elders and Ancestors
we been like this for a very long time
and to be honest with you we will eventeach you our culture without arrogance only if you are true to yourself
so guess what for others who constantly needs to be disrespectful?
well you see their GDP....

never disrespect the ones who fed you and built your living and now will again civilize society back to where it should be cause trust me all this manufacturing is senseless but oh its 2018 and finally after the stupidest eras they decide corporate social responsibility? pass the ironed cotton with ink fresh off the mint press please all in lower denominations and this time mind your inflation rate..oh i forgot you need us to produce more ideas for you like decades ago huh? and help you everytime like in all wars huh? let me stop cause its worthless although worthy to ourselves cause we on point just ask about Jay Morrison and Akon and even me actually cause i got local stock nevermind sshhh.... hahahahahahaha
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