Man...What Have You Done? Poem by Jim Yerman

Man...What Have You Done?

Just when you think you’ve heard it all and you wonder if the world is cursed.
You turn around and realize that things have gotten worse.

In Nigeria, a terrorist group of men (who think that they should rule)
Has abducted over 200 young girls just because they went to school.

The way the group leader interprets their religion, girls do not belong in school.
Which, of course, we know from experience, is the ranting of a fool!

But he is a man and he believes men know how this planet should be run
So let’s take a look at our man-made world and see what they have done...

Let’s look through history for a time without war (since man rules with an iron fist)
How far back do we have to the time Man didn’t exist.

If Man’s ability to govern has been so ingenious, so shrewd
Why are there people starving in this world...while others throw out food?

If Man has been as wise as he thinks and ruled so magnificently
Why is every 2nd child born on Earth...born into poverty?

If Man were genuinely compassionate...if he was truly honorable and fair
Would the world’s economy be in shambles? Would there be corruption everywhere?

If Man was a better manager (this next fact might make you seethe)
Would he be cutting down the very rain forest that allows us all to breathe?

Yes Man has polluted everything he touched...the ground, lakes, rivers, trees and sky
We can’t even see the people in China...and we’re left to wonder why.

I know why the terrorists are afraid...They know these young girls would be stunned.
When they see the world through educated eyes and ask...”Man, what have you done? ”

For Man knows his reign of terror will be over and the Earth will no longer bleed
When educated girls’s time for them to lead.

I pray the girls safely find their way home and their diplomas they all earn
If they are to lead us out of this man-made mess...there are many lessons they must learn.

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