Love Kept Me Alive Poem by Chris Embrick

Love Kept Me Alive

Rating: 5.0

I was born a tiny flower
with no power
right from the start
my life was marked

Through the years my family's changed
with different names
but special care
was always there

Now middle-aged with Down's Syndrome
I'm not alone
I still survive
Love' still alive


My sister was born in 1962 with Down's Syndrome.After my parents died
Janet spent the next ten years in a Care Home. When the home closed,
one of the Caregivers wanted Janet to come and live with her family.
She was readily and lovingly accepted.In the world today, those with the slightest abnormality are often deemed expendable.Love never kills
the unwanted.True love is unconditional.

Thursday, February 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: caregiving,genes,handicapped,love and life
Rose Marie Juan-austin 10 December 2021

Deeply touching. So true.Love never kills the unwanted. A beautiful poem.

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Ruta Mohapatra 23 June 2019

Touching! Thanks for sharing!

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Lodigiana Poetess 28 February 2019

Reading the backstory gave life to your already touching words, Love, thankfully, come in many guises and never ever dies. A beautiful and sensitive piece Chris..thank you so much for sharing this. Lodigiana xx

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Chris Embrick 08 March 2019

Sometimes the hardest poem to write is the one others need for inner healing. Thank you.

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Chris Embrick

Chris Embrick

Commerce, Georgia
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