Lost At Sea: Soul Of A Sole? ... [ Inspired By: ".............Working Title ", By Douglas Scotney; Short; Souls; Fish ] Poem by Bri Edwards

Lost At Sea: Soul Of A Sole? ... [ Inspired By: ".............Working Title ", By Douglas Scotney; Short; Souls; Fish ]

Rating: 5.0

Amidst the flotsam, plastic and wood,
I bared my soul as a good fish should.
My eyes stared from one side of my head;
not seeing 'both sides' filled me with dread
at times.

I wished to mate with a cute swimming sole,
but she flipped me off, saying: "Let me go, Soul,
for you are not a fish of flesh, but a spirit only! "

Now, amidst the flotsam, I'm a Soul-of-a-Sole, lonely.

: (


Sunday, October 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fish,loneliness,soul
here Douglas's poem:

.............Working Title

Whatever we are the soul of
That we can never see.
Whatever we of the soul are
Soul can't see equally.

Above and below
No soul can know
What floats upon its sea
Or, with or without the flotsam,
That soul will always be.
Paul Brookes 20 November 2018

Enjoyable as always There is wisdom hidden in its murky depths so the whale told me as he gossiped with the sprats and spouted fountains.

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Captain Cur 17 October 2018

I think I can relate to spirits lost at sea. Good reprise on Douglas's poem. A Soul of a sole, good one!

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Tom Allport 15 October 2018

A very sad fishy story of a lost sole who has lost his soul and mates amongst the garbage tossed into the sea, yes...by YOU and ME? What did this poor little lost sole do to deserve this? Maybe it was fate and like some he was born with not much on his plate! Destined to become a spirit in the sea, he was always gonna be a spirit in the sea? Wonderfully written Bri...ha ha ha...caught hook line and sinker I thinker!

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Richard Wlodarski 15 October 2018

Bri, maybe it's just me, but I find your poem to be full of humour. Very enjoyable. I really liked it! Douglas' poem appears to be the opposite. To me, it seems serious and philosophical. However, I really liked it as well!

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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