Little Things Poem by Elle Smith

Little Things

Rating: 4.3

Little Things

You holding my hand,

making me feel safe.

Unity between us,

feeling comfy and ace.

It's always the little things

that give us the most.

The gentle caressing,

your fingers stroking my ear.

Making me feel special,

and without worry or care.

It's always the little things

that give us the most.

Telling me I am beautiful,

when no make up I wear.

Insisting I look absolutely lovely,

when you muck up my hair.

It's always the little things

that give us the most.

Laughing out loud,

until my tummy almost hurt.

You beaming beside me,

makes life have such worth.

It's always the little things

that give us the most.

Life with you beside me,

is beyond compare to most.

Truth is.. it's a BIG thing,

and something to toast.

By Elle Smith Copyright 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: relationships,love
Dr Antony Theodore 15 June 2017

You holding my hand, making me feel safe. The gentle caressing, It's always the little things that give us the most. yes soo true in relationship. just a smile which is true, a lovely joke, a caress, a touch, playing on your nose. giving a kiss on your neck........ showing great desire to have you. the list goes like that..... thank you dear poetess. for this lovely poem. tony

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Elle Smith 16 June 2017

Thank you Tony! It was such a wonderful feeling to reminisce those moments. We make things so complicated in life, instead of cherishing those special moments which do not involve cost or grand gesture..

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Chinedu Dike 15 June 2017

Rich flow of thought, lovely and very passionate. A well drafted piece of poetry. Thanks for sharing.

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Elle Smith 15 June 2017

Thank you for your very supportive comments about my poetry!

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Jazib Kamalvi 15 June 2017

A wonderful with lovely things. Thanks

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Elle Smith 15 June 2017

Thanks for your comment too!

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Rajnish Manga 15 June 2017

This is a simple poem with a profound message. Loved reading it. God Bless You, Elle. It's always the little things that give us the most. and something to toast.

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Elle Smith 15 June 2017

Thank you again Rajnish. I think that life offers us so many shiny things, that we often forget those small, special things and how important they truly are. This poem reminds us of this and celebrates those magical moments in life!

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