(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty # 706 Poem by WES Vogler

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty # 706

Rating: 5.0

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty # 706

I think naught but of you through the days
In so many alternative ways
Whether coming or going
I've no way of knowing
How next you'll appear to my gaze


(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty # 706
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people
Wes Vogler 03 July 2018

Now I ask you very confidentially... ain't she nice?

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Kim Barney 28 July 2018

Very nice, but does Donna approve of her?

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Kim Barney 31 July 2018

She's wearing that same color again! Orange you ashamed to keep showing her?

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Wes Vogler 31 July 2018

Just find me a better one and I shall change it

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Red Soul 18 July 2018

I see that Tom is man of culture! A fine limerick Mr Vogler. Thanks for sharing.

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wes vogler 18 July 2018

It was rather revealing to discover this girl now working in ... I was informed by a secret source of course

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Kelly Kurt 03 July 2018

She strikes a chord with you. I hope the limerick was about her and not me. : -)

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wes vogler 04 July 2018

she probably has better legs

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tom billsborough 03 July 2018

she's a real sweetie. glad she came into my gaze. Your limerick has a lovely rhythm with it to match the lovely face, Wes. A real beauty!

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Mahtab Bangalee 03 July 2018

nicely penned - In so many alternative ways Whether coming or going I've no way of knowing ................ so many pattern are there in this world neither I've been dyed in that all nor you but some exact hue leads to truly new.........

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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