(limerick)a Practical Application Poem by WES Vogler

(limerick)a Practical Application

Rating: 5.0

The new typist was given the spiel
Of the SPCA... how they feel
"That's all very well."
Said our dear Isabel
"But is swatting a fly in the deal? "

(limerick)a Practical Application
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people
Savita Tyagi 30 June 2019

Good one. It comes with the packaged deal!

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Kevin Patrick 16 July 2019

You know that saying Time flies, when you shoot it with a gun. Of course a swat would suffice. You kill it with these master limericks.

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wes vogler 16 July 2019

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This is good?

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Kim Barney 02 July 2019

Go ahead and swat. You have my permission.

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wes vogler 02 July 2019

you are too kind

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tom billsborough 01 July 2019

My pet typist, Gladys, is very fly and says she is in need of protection by the SPCA. She muttered something about wandering hands. Can't think what she meant. Great Limerick, Wes

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wes vogler 01 July 2019

Ho blighty how is it on the other side of the pond?

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Kelly Kurt 30 June 2019

I am sure I typed " Point" , but I either didn't or? ? ? : -)

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Kelly Kurt 30 June 2019

A good was made. I don't think many people realize that insects are animals.

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wes vogler 30 June 2019

I presume a goodpoint was made ta good morning lad

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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