Kelly, Kim And Wes Poem by Belle Wassermeister

Kelly, Kim And Wes

That ol' Wes writes a pretty good lim,
and so does that young feller named Kim.
Kelly Kurt, now for sure,
is one you can't ignore;
there are few that are better than him!

Friday, September 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
I like limericks, and have found that Wes Vogler, Kim Barney, and Kelly Kurt are really good at writing them.

Kelly used to have MANY good ones, but has deleted most of them since he "moved" to Zimbabwe!

Any suggestions on other poets that I could read who write good limericks?

I know, I know! That last line of my limerick is grammatically incorrect. Correct English in this case would be "better than he", but then that wouldn't rhyme, would it?
Wes Vogler 03 January 2020

I must start reading more poems on this site more lims please I sometimes get so lonely looking for writers of the lim I have encouraged the East Indian group but they will not change one letter which they have composed ... so...

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Kim Barney 19 September 2019

Thank you so much for including me in this! It is an honor to be mentioned in the same breath with Wes Vogler and Kelly Kurt, both terrific poets!

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Practicing Poetess 16 September 2019

Suggestions on other poets who write limericks- - I have written at least 6: (Titles follow) : 1.) Limerick 2.) Limerick- Geraldine 3.) Limerick- Handsome Trouble 4.) Once Burned, Twice Shy (A Limerick) 5.) She'd Had Enough (A Limerick) 6.) the Wooly Mammoth

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Akhtar Jawad 15 September 2019

Kelly Kurt is one of my best website friends. The element of satire in his poems is amazing. Read this poem in a funny mood and enjoyed it.

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Aniruddha Pathak 14 September 2019

This limerick is a good laugh, and composed well. As to which other poet.... well you can try mine, but I don't caption them as limericks.. Further, they are not always written to induce laugh. I feel this form has a great potential, even for serious thoughts as well....

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Belle Wassermeister

Belle Wassermeister

Gleichen, Alberta, Canada
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