Justice Meet Mercy Poem by duke perry abrokwa

Justice Meet Mercy

Rating: 2.5

I head of a king all powerful
Heart full of love
The kingdom never sorrowful
Everything about him was perfect
His Kingdom was so peaceful

He was perfect in mercy
Perfect in Justice
His Kingdom was fancy
Till one day the serpent stepped in
Deceiving his citizens in rebelling

Serpent became their king
He put the citizens to slavery
Sin filled their heart
sold them to pain and misery
made sin their poetry

For 1000's of years the King seemed powerless
it looks liked the serpent won
looks like he got defeated and made-less
he need to be Justice and punish their wrong
Punish the citizen for betraying

But he is everlasting rich in mercy
But if he temper Justice with mercy
That makes his Justice imperfect
An attribute of the king not ready lo loose
this is were Grace beats the law.

Justices calls for the the Kings Judgement
Judgement seek for the kings punishment
But the King cry for his Mercy
So grace got him to punish himself
This satisfy his Justice to fulfill his mercy

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: christian,grace,jesus,story
William Camp Smith 13 December 2020

The story of Christianity , many will not get it. Thank you for the gospel in your poetry

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