It Is My Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

It Is My Life

A long passage
Yet to find its cease,
I came to, walked myself;
Early miles were cloudy
And uncertain as clouds,
Grey or silvery bright,
Oft arced with rain bows
From horizon to horizon
In bright lovely colours
With cool winds to follow
And thunder storms all round
With splash of thrilling rains
To huddle me within home.

Day and night it was joy,
No stone around the neck
In the varying scenes around,
I was free like a bird
And flew far to the sky
But returned to nest at night
For a sleepful rest
Till all of sudden one day
I found myself in
A golden dawn around
With heavenly halo in glow,
Taking me to her arms
In ocean of love and warmth.

All devils of the world
Surrounded the scene,
And I found blinding night
Left me alone there,
Wings clipped, hanging in air;
Neither could I rise,
Nor could I drop,
In unending pain and grief,
I burrowed in loneliness;
In the world of changing scenes,
I saw glimpse of sunshine
To lift me back to air,
And I flew to catch the sun
And dropped wings burnt
Back on the lap of the earth.

Then again I saw the light,
Golden dawn at my front,
Awakening me to truth
With heavenly halo in glow,
But too distant to take me there;
It was a futile struggle,
We fought and failed to win,
And like a defeated army
Signed and resigned to fate;
We are on different worlds,
Yet entangled from distance,
Day and night yearn
To meet and merge together.

Now in dusk, I am,
From the cloud to the dusk
Through hills and diverse dales,
Good props as nature's gifts
Carried me on my route
All along the path;
Who ignited this life,
Carried his torch,
Bright and glittering
All along my long passage;
One who chose to hold my hand,
Kind and soft as honey,
Sweetened my path;
And one who carries my life badge
Carries well along his route.

It was not easy life,
It is not easy life,
A struggle all through;
Falls were many,
Painfully they were steep,
While rises, only a few,
That I never ever foresaw;
It was a hard run,
Restless all along;
Crumbs came to mouth,
And slipped at the lips,
Almost all cursed life!
It is a bright life,
But wrapped in dark clouds,
I struggled and mostly failed.

Nostalgic memories flood
When look back to past;
Not one I yearned for
Came ever to stick to life;
When I walked straight,
Pushed to right or left,
It is an intelligence
Beyond my conception,
Led me hand in hand,
Where I yet know not;
Though painful hard struggle,
Oft extinguishing my soul,
It is an exciting tour
With a glint of subtle hope
Beyond this life's range,
Of what I yet to know.

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