Inner Mind Poem by Neran Sati

Inner Mind

Your inner mind is your God, the real one..
Lord conductor of your life, your relations.
There're no other Gods.. out there, in space
Ruling this world.. the world we feel, can see.
As natural creation, an evolutionary update
Harmony excelling ever changing matter
An instrument of nature providing smart tools
To shape and modify, ourselves with others
Ready for all, events, to heal and cure.. to teach
Sustain surround.. adapt to needs.

Monitor supreme, all activities, on screen
Or behind, challenge the scene
Our pace and silence, war and peace
Reveal and focus.. relevant to irrelevant
Creative thoughts, deserve' solutions..
Even generating faults, one can learn from
Surprising outcome
Afore're signals, hidden or not, anticipating all
The will, awake or dream, inspired or zeal
A perfect hammer, most just the judge
Not easing, yet loosing not, a thing
Counting, punishing or rewarding
Gracefully forgiving..

For it had billion years to evolve, ever learning
Taught by mistakes, error moves, wrong deals
To seal existence, with success or miss
Providing or not apt it offspring
Put up with flaws avoid disasters
To continue, on and on..
Conquering the world surveyed, to its own.

Therefore, please trust its dedicated wisdom!
Do not break belief while missing joy
Sacrifice for others
It holiness.. the heroism
The most powerful guardian of our life, our world
Life you've ever or never dream' about
Fulfilling not your plans, but caring.. for us all
Hear it, feel it, see it..

That unique treasure, most respectable parent
Born with us, for us
Surpassing family, clans, race or nation
For all humans, environment, world that created us
And beyond, the constellations, chance, universe
For humanity that saved us
It beauty
Afar from beliefs, priests, dividing politics.

So, without a fear, please look to serve, audaciously
Genuine intentions
The beautiful.. love.. devotion
Gifts of inner mind, ever watching, ever caring
You own not, yet dies with you
World, the whole..
Your kind.. for all kind!

Copyright © Neran Sati,02/25/2016

Saturday, February 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: mind,human
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