Indistinct Force Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Indistinct Force

An invisible light, feeble, indistinct,
Guides us through the clouds all round
From past to the future in constant stretch;
An infinite force, gentle, omniscient,
Drags us on the floor of the ruthless life
From the darkness to light in unkind pitch;
We, dumb and blind, struggle for freewill
With toy limbs the nature provided us with,
Till the toys fail and the will crumbles,
While runs our course on unseen dictates
To where and when, and how we should be.

The path ahead, never straight for any,
Ups and downs, and turns left and right,
Or move somewhere undefined till then -
Yet we move unaided by the obvious in us;
Why this we wonder without right answer
When crisis has passed, and we're fixed;
Decisions we take are sheer straws in air
Unless cosmic force inspires that in us;
Best of acts get swept to nameless gutter,
Most unthought-of steps oft lift to heights
In the measured walk to the cosmic goal.

Indistinct is goal; indistinct, force, light,
Indistinct, why and what happens around;
Some brings grief and devastation's shock,
Some devolves most unexpected high rise;
We, those that trust on the self's strengths,
Shatter by the havocs nature plays on us;
All has a purpose, all has distinct reason,
Why we act that, and why force drags us on,
On the corrugated path, and then lets us down -
To mould us right, and cut the bloated self
And bring all to shape to its original spark.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
Edward Kofi Louis 26 April 2016

Indistinct force! ! Nice piece of work.

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