India Poem by Pratheek Praveen Kumar


A country of tigers and spices,
With very few vices,
A great country surely,
That people say is great, freely.

Great people have walked in this great land,
This was surely made by God's hand,
A great place with great traditions,
There is no equal to India among other nations.

A place where nature has thrived,
And animals have happily lived,
A place of grandeur and purity,
No place can match India's beauty.

A country of mystery and happiness,
God has this land surely blest,
A country that has preserved its values,
A country that often makes great news.

A place that is a pleasure to stay in,
The place that houses my kith and kin,
A place to be proud about,
A place that I care about a lot.

The country of forests and spices,
The country where many great people thrived,
The only country without any vices,
The only country whose traditions have not died.

The country of many a great monument,
The country of many men, who are god-sent,
The country of Gandhiji, Guru Nanak and Buddha,
The country whose law is completely ‘shuddha'.

India, the land of spice and silk,
Of cattle and battle and rice and milk,
Where jewels like Buddha won hearts of people,
Where enlightenment dawns ‘neath trees like peepal.

India, the land of love and truth,
And people who shone in spiritual path,
Where made home sages like Nanak and Gandhi,
Where live in peace Dravidas, Aryans, Nagas and Sindhi.

India, the home of greats like Ashoka,
Of bhoga and vairagya that blend in Vedic shloka,
Inspired great souls to be models world over
And cleanse human kind with the spiritual fire.

Great people have walked in this great land,
This great land was certainly made from God's hand.

Jinal Oswal 05 April 2012

Yes, very trues this great land has been made from God's hand.... I love India.... Very nice of you to share this beautiful poem... :)

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