In The Present Day Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

In The Present Day

See, an appearing apparition's image
becoming imminently destructive
deepening, societal problems
causing increased ill feeling
in rampant carelessness
hidden within matters
beneath, the vanished
appearance of instability
typically predictable, and
decreed in the conditioning
of a lucrative situation written
in that shadow's covert mottos
as the slaves yet carry laxity and
practice the silence that does not
loosen the means, to the rectification
of the problems that many of US experience
in this world's fracturing, and neither peaceful
or, war less stasis; activities, within the base
technologies powerfully reject a consensus
of and by the people, to regain financially
that edge; in resistance to these pressing
issues, and in this time remain sparingly
able, to offer, the greater world's society
a pathway to a prosperous, flourishing, and
more humanely productive forward moving
community model; that will carry the world
through the decades remaining in this new
century; and it remains to be seen that this
country, can prove itself big enough, and
is wanting the best for all of its citizens
rebuilding its reputation and running
those who have sullied this out of
the seats of power in all sectors
and making everyone debt free
thus emptying the trough at which
both corruption, and deception feeds.

Friday, April 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: corruption,debt,deception
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