Identity Theft Poem by obed Souza

Identity Theft

“ For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the
Sovereign Lord...’ (Ezekiel 18: 32)

Someone died
Poor him! Nobody took notice
His solitude, his loneliness, his plea!
His emptiness was so full of glory!
Nobody cried
They just danced
He was the leading role, acting his own life
He starred his own tragedy
Nobody attended his funeral
Everybody thought he was just playing
There lay just his ghost,
He was stolen from himself
The mob stole him from himself
Fame made him into a nobody
Stardom made him into just a ghost
As his make-up wasn´t death proof
It just collapsed when they were dancing.

The sword he was slained by
Was so brilliant, so enchanting,
Nobody saw his blood...

He died while they were dancing!
They were busy, busy...
They were dancing.

He died many years ago...
He was a somebody made into a nobody...
Post- modernity erects him a temple now
But heavens weep a child stolen.

June 26/2009

Ravi A 24 October 2009

We can't really blame the world for that. The world has its own business. The world has no time to listen to the agonies of an individual. My cross is my own cross. This is the truth. Do you think that you can properly listen to the sad tales of an individual? At one point you would say - 'I can't offer a solution. He has to bear his own cross. There is practically no other solution'. In life there are innumerable situations possible. If we can accept this truth, we can save ourselves. As you have rightly described, this is the situation of a celebrity and the world also knows about it. Yet, it also yearns to be another celebrity! What does it mean? The world has in a way accepted the truth that such situations are possible.

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C. P. Sharma 27 August 2009

Profound metaphysics in it, Ever the worldly dance goes on, Impostor idebtities in it partake. CP

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obed Souza

obed Souza

Pedra Azul / Brazil
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