God's Got You Poem by D Loveday Morris

God's Got You

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God's Got You

When you lose something, dont worry or fret
Console yourself with the knowledge that God is not through yet
No matter how heavy weight, the loss may have seem
Never forget He is the creator and dream
And even the things that seemed at one point too good to be true
Will change in value, when you've got a God point of view

When one door closes, dont be 'stood', too shy to knock
That door, the door that closed, was a resting stop
Remindyourself of this once more
That God is the maker and opener of doors
And sometimes when you have a key hole view
It can be scary, still knock; it will open; God's got you

And when the door has opened
And you still don't know what to do
Step forward in boldness, God's got you
He'll stand by you? Yes, you!
He'll give the wisdom and knowledge you need;
Remember he is the maker, keeper and restorer of dreams

And it can be hard when you first find out;
You are broken in piece too many to count
But God is the conservator- restorer with a CV that tirelessly mounts
He gives and takes when the time is right
With the intention of taking you to higher heights
So don't worry about falling or failing again
He is the creator and maker of trends

D. Loveday Morris

June 20,2020

An Extract from the Diary of a Jamaican Critical Care Nurse Living and Working in the UK

Dahlia Loveday Morris

God's Got You
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,hope,trust
Mahtab Bangalee 20 June 2020

God thete is full of merciful hands Where surrendering soul depended In Him without any doubt

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