Getting Away Poem by Cowboy Ron Williams

Getting Away

Rating: 5.0

I've had enough of city life;
I had to get away,
so here I am up in the hills
on this November day.

I didn't bring my cellular;
I didn't bring a car.
It's just my trusty horse and me,
and dreams to take me far.

The leaves have fallen off the trees;
they're piled up on the ground.
There's silence in these lonely woods,
but beauty all around.

A six-point mule deer buck sneaks by,
but all we do is look.
In days gone by my heart would pound
as hands and rifle shook.

My hunting days are over now;
all wildlife's free to roam.
I turn my horse and head downhill
and start to head back home.

Getting Away
Belle Wassermeister 06 November 2022

I love this poem, Cowboy! Five stars and to my favorites!

16 0 Reply
Cowboy Ron Williams 13 January 2023

Dear Belle, thanks very much. It's one of my favorites, too.

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Bri Edwards 07 November 2022

Five stars I'd give it if I could, but no stars I spy above near the wood. You've had your fun upon the hill. Now head on home and take your 2 p.m. pill. And give your horse a fork of hay. You've entertained us enough today. bri ;)

14 0 Reply
Susan Williams 24 February 2023

So true-to-a-ride in autumn and I can hear your horse's hooves whispering through the fallen leaves--the poem has a melancholy tone to it as if an aging cowboy is saying farewell to youth and old ways---your poems ride the high trail, my friend--and shine with a thousand stars and a fav

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Jim McGill 14 January 2023

Excellent. I got to feel that world through your poem. Good job.

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Smoky Hoss 12 November 2022

This is so wonderful Cowboy! Oh how I wish I was there with you to witness such intense beauty and spirit of nature. I miss being in the saddle in the high country. Thank you for this incredible poem.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 06 December 2022

Smoky, thanks for the comment. I'd like nothing better than to ride side by side with you up in the mountains.

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Belle Wassermeister 07 November 2022

What exactly do you mean when you refer to a six-point mule deer buck?

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Cowboy Ron Williams 07 November 2022

Belle, this refers to the number of points on the buck's antlers. Here in Colorado we use the Western count, which means that the buck would have 6 points on EACH of his 2 antlers. This same deer would be called a 12-point buck by the Eastern count.

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Jayne Louise Davies 07 November 2022

A great poem! Thanks for sharing x

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